Sunday, February 23, 2014

Michelle Obama: "Young People Are Knuckleheads" And Need Obamacare

Michelle Obama: "Young People Are Knuckleheads" And Need Obamacare

THE FIRST LADY ALWAYS HAS A RIGHT... take on any special cause and make it "her thing"... In this case, though, her husband has led a takeover of one sixth of the economy via the "Affordable (ahem) Health Care Act"...won't be long before a suggestion of "eat kale chips instead of junk food" becomes enforced. Maybe homeland Security will buy up snacks and just make less available on the they've done with ammunition. Everything can be connected to health, so then everything becomes the government's business.

Mrs. Obama looked great, of course, dissing the demo that got them elected and re-elected...on Fallon show... (And when is the last time she's priced tennis shoes? Just asking..)